Characteristics of Piston Rings with Different Shapes(3)

Characteristics of Piston Rings with Different Shapes(3)

2022-09-23 14:53:59

After selecting the piston ring, the following inspections shall be carried out:


  1. Inspection of piston ring elastic force: piston ring elastic force is one of the important conditions to ensure the sealing of the cylinder. Too large or too small elastic force is not good and must meet the technical requirements. Generally, the piston ring elastic force tester is used for detection. In practice, we generally use the method of hand-holding to make a rough judgment, as long as it is not too loose, it can be used.




  1. Inspection of three gaps in the piston ring: put the piston ring into the cylinder, push it flat with the piston, and then check the size of the end gap with a thickness gauge, which should generally be 0.2~0.5mm (different models have different standards, and one ring and two rings are also different, see the maintenance manual for details).


Install the piston ring on the piston, and check the side clearance with a feeler gauge, which should generally be 0.05~0.10mm; The back clearance is generally the piston ring groove depth minus the section width of the piston ring, which is generally 0.5~1.0mm.


If these three clearances are too large, the sealing effect will be affected. If they are too small, the piston ring will be stuck in the cylinder due to thermal expansion, and even the cylinder will be damaged in serious cases.


  1. Light leakage inspection of piston ring and cylinder wall: to ensure the sealing effect of the piston ring, the outer surface of the piston ring is required to fit with the cylinder wall everywhere. If the light leakage is too large and the local contact area of the piston ring is small, it is easy to cause excessive gas channeling and excessive oil consumption.


There is special equipment to detect the light leakage of the piston ring. The general requirement is: no light leakage point is allowed within 30 ° around the open end of the piston ring.


No more than two light leaks are allowed on the same piston ring. The central angle corresponding to the length of each light leak arc shall not exceed 25 °. The total central angle corresponding to the length of the light leak arc on the same piston ring shall not exceed 45 °. The gap at the light leak shall not exceed 0.03mm. If the above requirements cannot be met, it is necessary to re-select the piston ring or repair the cylinder.


The piston ring shall be installed correctly and reliably. Pay attention to the opening position and direction of the ring. Generally, special tools should be used when installing piston rings, and manual installation is not recommended.


Ensure that the opening positions of each ring are staggered (generally staggered by 180 °) and evenly distributed, and ensure that the opening is not aligned with the piston pinhole position. Generally, there is an upward arrow or TOP mark on the side of the piston ring, which must be installed upward. If it is installed reversely, it will cause serious oil burning failure.


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